Hey lo chumbuds!
If you have read the novel Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress, episode one of the creative Nemecene science fiction series, or have only just begun, here is your chance to provide feedback directly to the author, Karen Lefave (Oh! That’s me! hehehe), so that she may hone the mystery, develop the characters, and perfect the adventure in the next futuristic thriller episode as it takes shape.
- How is the Nemecene story similar and/or different than other novels you have read or movies you have seen?
- Do the characters bring to mind anyone in particular in fiction or even in “reality”? Do the characters make you think?
- What about the science behind the fiction? Is it really just fantasy or does it have some merit?
- Has Nemecene captured your imagination? Can you see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it?
- Does the mystery leave you wanting more? (more is good by the way 😉 )
So go ahead. Share your thoughts. I promise the Ministry hounds won’t hunt you down…yet. Muahahaha.