Nemecene Clean Water Mission Badge by science fiction author Karen LefaveHelp science fiction author Karen Lefave raise ONE BILLION DOLLARS for global water projects through her compelling and thought-provoking new science fiction series called Nemecene.

It all starts with the first novel, Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress, and continues with Karen’s global mission to raise awareness and fund projects to heal the water crisis afflicting our oceans and fresh water sources. The Nemecene series and the environment in which the story unfolds on Earth in a future when our oceans have died have given Karen a powerful voice in which to impact this global concern.

A minimum of 10% of all profits for the entire Nemecene series are set aside for global water projects and regular bursts of clean water campaigns will up that percentage significantly.

“The water crisis needs attention NOW or the science fiction Earth that the Nemecene characters are living their shortened lives in will become our grim reality.

There are 7 BILLION people living on this planet all fully dependent on clean water to survive, all dependent on our screaming oceans to safeguard the food chain. How entrenched do we want this global crisis to become before we act?

Our oceans are ALREADY DYING. Please help make the madness stop!

As much as the ingenious, creative, adventurous, and sometimes fun Nemecene world would be a cool place to experience, I personally don’t want to live there, let alone be responsible for tipping our oceans and fresh water rivers, lakes, aquifers, and glaciers in that direction.

Please add this Nemecene One Billion Dollar Clean Water Mission badge to your website.

Please share my personal clean water mission with everyone that you know.

With my deepest appreciation and love.” — Kaz

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